Please scroll down for recipe in English!
- 250 g sana/lapte batut
- 80 g zahar
- 50 g unt
- 400 g faina
- 1 pachet praf de copt
- 100 g capsuni taiate bucatele
- zahar pudra pt deasupra
Intr-un castron amestecati laptele cu zaharul. Separat, in alt vas, amestecati untul cu faina si praful de copt. Amestecul trebuie sa arate ca niste firimituri. Adaugati apoi laptele, omogenizand compozitia. Aveti grija sa nu amestecati prea mult, doar cat amestecul sa fie omogen.La sfarsit adaugati bucatelele de capsuni, incorporandu-le cu grija sa nu le zdrobiti.
Incalziti cuptorul la 180 grade. Intindeti aluatul cu mainile intr-o foaie cu grosimea de aprox 2 cm si decupati forme pe care le asezati apoi in tava. Lasati-le sa se odihneasca 10 minute, apoi coaceti-le timp de 20 minute, pana incep sa devina aurii. Scoateti si pudrati cu zahar. Savurati-le caldute alaturi de o ceasca de ceai sau cafea, dupa preferinta.
Incalziti cuptorul la 180 grade. Intindeti aluatul cu mainile intr-o foaie cu grosimea de aprox 2 cm si decupati forme pe care le asezati apoi in tava. Lasati-le sa se odihneasca 10 minute, apoi coaceti-le timp de 20 minute, pana incep sa devina aurii. Scoateti si pudrati cu zahar. Savurati-le caldute alaturi de o ceasca de ceai sau cafea, dupa preferinta.
Recipe in English
After showing you the pictures of England, I thought that some scones (very British) would be nice. So, today we have some cute seasonal scones with fresh strawberries, just in time for a "five o 'clock tea".
- 250 ml buttermilk
- 80 g sugar
- 50 g butter
- 400 g all purpose flour
- 1 package baking powder
- 100 g strawberries cut in small pieces
-confectioner sugar for dusting
In a bowl mix the buttermilk with sugar. Separately, in another bowl, mix the butter, flour and baking powder. The mixture should look like bread crumbs. Then add the buttermilk and the sugar. Be careful not to mix too much. Finally add the strawberry pieces, incorporating them with care not to crush them.
In a bowl mix the buttermilk with sugar. Separately, in another bowl, mix the butter, flour and baking powder. The mixture should look like bread crumbs. Then add the buttermilk and the sugar. Be careful not to mix too much. Finally add the strawberry pieces, incorporating them with care not to crush them.
Preheat the oven to 180 C. Spread the dough with your hands into a sheet about 2 cm thick and cut it with a cookie cutter in which shapes you prefer, then place them on a baking sheet. Let them rest for10 minutes, then bake them for about 20 minutes, until they start to become golden. Remove and dust with confectioner sugar. Enjoy them warm with a cup of tea, or coffee if you prefer.
Bon appetit!
DAAA! Chiar imi e pofta!
RăspundețiȘtergereSa inteleg ca nu ti plac fursecurile facute de tine....Sunt prea dulci, cred ca ti trbuie o cafea sa le imbini.
RăspundețiȘtergereBa imi place tot ce fac eu, altfel nu as face. Dar intr-adevar merg mai bine cu cafea!