
miercuri, 13 iunie 2012

Fundite cu gem de visine/ Bowtie cookies with cherry jam

Please scroll down for recipe in English! 

 Arata ca niste cornulete, dar sunt mai degraba fursecuri. Au branza de vaci si sunt umplute cu gem de visine asa ca au disparut cat ai zice "cookies"!


- 200 g branza de vaci 
- 200 g unt moale
- 325 g faina 
- 2 linguri zahar 
- un praf de sare, vanilie 
- gem pentru umplut
- zahar pudra 


     Scoateti branza de vaci si untul din frigider si lasati-le sa ajunga la temperatura camerei. Intr-un castron, bateti cu mixerul la viteza medie timp de 2 minute untul, branza de vaci, zaharul, sarea si vanilia. Adaugati apoi faina, continuand sa framantati aluatul cu mana sau cu mixerul insa la viteza mica. Omogenizati si formati o minge si lasati-o sa se odihneasca.

      Incalziti cuptorul la 175 grade si pregatiti o tava cu hartie de copt. Intindeti aluatul, formand un patrat cu grosimea de aprox 0.5 cm. Taiati in patrate de aprox 6*6 cm, in mijlocul carora puneti cate un mot de gem, de preferat mai gros. Indiferent ce gem folositi, incercati sa nu puneti prea mult deoarece va curge la copt.
      Lipiti colturile opuse ale patratelor, formand o fundita. Strangeti marginile bine sa nu se desfaca la copt.

Puneti-le in tava si coaceti-le timp de 10-12 minute pana devin aurii. Scoateti si pudrati cu zahar.

Recipe in English

 The dough has cream cheese in it and it's filled with cherry jam. You wouldn’t believe how gorgeous that combination is.


- 200 g cream cheese
- 200 g butter softened 
- 325 g all purpose flour
- 2 tbsp granulated sugar
- pinch of salt, vanilla 
-  cherry jam for filling
- sifted confectioner's sugar for dusting


       In a large bowl, with an electric mixer, beat together the cream cheese, butter, sugar, vanilla and salt on medium speed until light, about 2 minutes. Then on low speed, gradually beat in the flour just until mixed. Using your hands, pat the crumbly mixture together to form a dough ball.
    Preheat the oven to 175 °C and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Now,on a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough into a square about 0.5 cm thick.Cut the dough into even 6 x 6 cm squares. Place 1 teaspoon of the filling in the center of each square. Use a really thick jam. If there’s too much jam, it has a
tendency to leak while baking.
      Then, pull 2 opposite corners of the square into the middle, and
pinch the edges together to seal. Pinch the edges well, don’t give them a chance to open back into the square shape while baking.
      Place the cookies on the prepared cookie sheet and bake them for about 12 minutes or until lightly golden. Let cool on the cookie sheet for 1 to 2 minutes, then transfer to wire racks. Dust the tops with sifted confectioner’s sugar while still warm, then let cool

 Bon appetit!

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